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I’ve been a practicing psychologist in an outpatient setting for over thirty-eight years. I run into eight conditions or "issues" almost every day (addictions, anxiety, ADHD/learning disabilities, assertiveness, children's behaviors, mood disorders, relationships and self-esteem). Teenager's behavior is a subset of children's behavior, and is especially problematic. Parents usually don't know what to do during this rite of passage--this potentially very troublesome period kids go through.
I've developed a unique set of techniques, but also a philosophy that works very well with both younger kids and teenagers. It applies principles of behavior change with an understaning of what teenager's experience. The result is that parents and teens re-connect and behavior changes, usually on the part of both.
Here's the overview of what's in this latest ebook:
First, there is a description of the terms I use throughout the manuscript. Teachers and people familiar with therapy will recognize some of them. Others are unique to me. There's eight or nine you need to know.
Then, we get down to business. I start by guiding you through behavior selection; that is, what is it you want to change about your teen? This is straightforward, but the twist is that I don't work primarily with negative behaviors; rather, I focus on the opposite of them--the ones that are positive and cancel out the negative ones. This is unique. In the literature, there are three ways to reinforce behaviors, but my way is the fourth. You won't find this anywhere else.
Ever heard of the Four-To-One-Rule? Not likely, because its something I discovered over years of practice. I use it specifically with the technique just described. This is what I use instead of punishment, whenever possible. Just in case you think punishment is not discussed, there are several pages devoted to just this concept--where and when to use it, but most importantly, when and why not to use it.
Next comes a section on Philosophy, Strategies and Examples. There are lots and lots of examples.
I have another unique-to-me concept--The Dance. This is the intricate interaction parents and children experience from day one to maturity. I describe it in detail, and how to conceptualize it to manage errant teen behaviors.
Because teenagers are beset (not to mention hugely burdened) by hormones, they react to situations in an exaggerated way. I describe how to assess this and when to call in a specialist. In other words, what is normal and what is not normal behavior at this age? Many parents do not know.
This brings into discussion teenager's needs, followed by a discussion of teen's moods--both amplified by developmental stage, and again, by hormones.
Needs and moods are discussed in the context of the twelve most common areas of conflict between parents and teenagers (Out of home activities, curfews, privacy, safety, electronics, comparative age, makeup, dating and sex, driving, grades, criminal behaviors, drugs and alcohol and visitation between parents if they are divorced). Specific examples of each are provided and how to handle them.
The next section is called, "Putting It All Together." In detail, I describe exactly what to do with your teenager, given any particular problem area.
The last section deals with kids who are outside the scope of my ebook, or any self-help manuscript. These are the kids who have significant compromises, sometimes through no fault of their own. Medical conditions, personality disorders, deliberate maliciousness, medication, RTC's, and lastly, being the victims of nasty parental divorces are covered. These conditions slow down parent's ability to connect with their teens, although my techniques still work to quell the fires of rebellion. How to deal with the deeper stuff is what I cover here, and why these have to be addressed before anything else will work, including what I have to offer.
Ebooks are evolving and now have considerable depth. Usually they, and mine specifically, are single subject treatises. They deal with just one topic--"how to's" about any given problem. This one is is aimed specifically at teen behaviors and what to do about them. It's concise, loaded with relevant information and immediately available. Regular books require more effort to obtain, and they cost more. Most of these books are too long. I’ve boiled down the concepts in these books, but have added my own unique views and experience. And, I’ve made this as easy to understand as is humanly possible.
Like my other ebooks, this one has no fat. Think of it as a "Cliffs Notes" publication. It's "sort of" a quick read (about two hours, on average). I have to explain a few new terms, because there are new ideas and the terms you probably already know are put together in new ways. The theory I espouse is different from standard "behavior change" books. It works better and is very simple to understand. That's the point of an ebook. My research has not turned up another ebook that does what mine does.
Ebooks are replacing standard books because they are quicker and easier to obtain. There is a need for immediate information, reasonably priced. I've priced this ebook to be at least twenty percent undermarket, considering what bookstores charge and the travel costs to and from. The ebook is 49 pages and can be immediately downloaded. The price is:
Click on the button below and follow the links. After you've presented your credit card information (or Pay Pal), you'll receive a link to the download page. The title of this ebook is:
How To Change Teenager's Behavior

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