Anger Management
(Types I and II)
I’ve been a practicing psychologist in an outpatient setting for over thirty-eight years. I run into the same conditions or "issues" almost every day (addictions, anxiety, ADHD/learning disabilities, assertiveness, children’s behaviors, mood disorders, relationships and self-esteem). Anger management is important unto itself, but plays a very strong role in the other areas. Usually, when people can control their anger, the problems in each of these groups diminish. Anger management is a skill that everyone needs and uses to some degree, in just about every situation. This webpage contains information about my ebook on this subject, anger management techniques, anger management tips and anger management training.
It turns out anger management can be taught to almost everyone. I’ve taught it to children, as well as adults. I’ve taught techniques to schizophrenics and to people with out-of-control mood disorders. Anyone can learn about this subject and anyone can learn to manage anger.
You may be having trouble in your relationship, or blowing up at work. You may be referred by the courts, which happens if your anger leads to excessive drinking or fighting, custody issues, etc..
I’ve read most of the pop-psychology literature on anger management over the last 30 (+) years. Many of the books are excellent. They, like this ebook deal with a variety of anger management aspects.
Anger has to do with being out of control of reactions, or about being out of touch with feelings. Type I anger people "lose it" and act out. Type II anger people lose it and "act in." Type I anger people explode, while Type II anger people implode. There are characteristics and symptoms of each, which I list and explore. Type II anger is a NEW concept. You won't find this described anywhere else, because its my original idea.
People have a long list of reasons not to control their anger, which is addressed. There are lots of popular or other internet sources for anger management techniques. I list them. These work, sort of, and if they work for you--good. Your anger problem is not that serious. But there are deeper, psychological approaches that fix, not mollify the problem. To effectively manage anger (either Type I or Type II), one has to get to the "deep stuff."
Most of the pop-psychology books are too long. I’ve boiled down the concepts in these books into clear, manageable steps. I’ve made this as easy to understand as is humanly possible, combining what I’ve read with what I’ve learned from clients. Plus, there is a discussion on the newest ways to conceptualize anger mismanagement, relative not just to psychology, but to cognitive behavioral techniques and mindfulness.
Like my other ebooks, this one has no fat. Think of it as a "Cliffs Notes" publication. It's "sort of" a quick read (about an hour or two). I have to explain a few new terms, because there are new ideas and the terms you probably already know are put together in new ways. The theory I espouse is different from standard "behavior change" books. It works better and is very simple to understand. That's the point of an ebook. My research has not turned up another ebook that does what mine does.
"This ebook surprised me. It is conversational but has more information and helpful ideas than anything else I've read. I really liked it. My wife likes me better now." --J.P.
"I'm an addict. These techniques help addiction, and as it turns out, anxiety disorder dynamics, too. I have less, much less anger, and my other issues have lessened."--K.M.
"I'm a Type II person. Boy, did this hit the mark, Why hasn't this been in the literature like this before? I'm soon to NOT be a Type II person." -- G.B.
"Dr. Griggs nailed it." -J.V.
"Brilliant, like the other ebooks Dr. Griggs has written--to the point, concise, packed with just the right information--yet friendly and warmly written." B.T.
"I got through the ebook in two hours. My world changed and everyone around me has noticed." -- T.M.
"This guy has put it all together in very easy-to-understand language-far more quickly and directly than even a self-help paperback. It works. I'm impressed." -- B.G.
"I like lots of examples. This book provided those but also used them to make the principles easy to understand." -- A. R.
"Fantastic. Spot on!" -- D.K.
Ebooks are replacing standard books because they are quicker and easier to obtain. There is a need for immediate information, reasonably priced. I've priced this ebook to be at least twenty percent undermarket, considering what bookstores charge and the travel costs to and from. The ebook is 48 pages and can be immediately downloaded. The price is:
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Anger Management
(Types I and II)

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